Welcome, A Miracle One

what’s that?
ugh…bright light, bright light
i don’t like this
why is it so cold?
listen, all you cruels!
i never said i want this
put me back!
put me back
inside my home
where i was comfortable
but oh
what’s that?
i know that voice,
i know that voice!
come, come closer
let me hear you again
yes, you are the voice
you sang to me before
so sweet and gentle
say something again
i need to hear it now
put me to sleep, please
it’s been a long day
i’m tired

Congratulations to my friend and her husband for the arrival of their first born. Welcome to this world, baby Zoe. Here’s a haiku dedicated to you, little one. May you continue to bring miracle and happiness to your family.

oh you sweet angel
go to sleep dear miracle
a view so lasting

@>——  ❤ ❤ ❤

Submitted to Theme Thursday, Prompt: View

10 thoughts on “Welcome, A Miracle One

  1. I’ve always wondered what a baby is first thinking when they come out. Such a wonderful thought to have them recognize mommy’s voice. I truly do believe they can do that. My youngest wee wittle one seemed to recognize her mommy’s voice and mine (I did spend a lot of time talking to her) more than anyone else’s. I love how her face lights up when she sees me. Actually all the grandkids are that way but she being the youngest is so special.

    Congratulations to your friends and may their days be blessed with lots of smiles and laughter and their nights be blessed with sleep.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful poem with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. It was sweet.

    God bless.

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