A Thought on Friendship for Pink Saturday


This is my first time joining Pink Saturday, and it happens to be their third anniversary conducting this Saturday routine. I’m happy to join the party. My birthday wish goes out to Pink Saturday for their 3rd birthday. Please go to How Sweet the Sound blog to see more participants and blog entries for this celebration. Some of them actually give away gifts 😉

The challenge for me is that I don’t have a lot of pink stuff. I don’t normally like pink that much and I rarely got myself pink items. I do have this one t-shirt I bought last year that I wore so many times during my trip to my home country, Indonesia, in January this year. It’s probably the only pink t-shirt I got. Ever since I got back from the trip, I haven’t worn the shirt because I’m still WAITING! for the right weather to wear it. So far, we haven’t had the same nice, warm weather here in northwest Indiana, as in Indonesia. Therefore, I haven’t been able to wear it. One of these days, I will wear it again. It’s one of my favorite t-shirts actually.

So, here’s to the wonderful, warm memories I’ve collected with that t-shirt and many more to come. I miss my home town, I miss the close friends and family there, I miss everything there, but I know the time will come. Patience is a virtue. In the mean time, I want to share a picture of me wearing the shirt and a friend below and remember the moment. I apologize for not being able to share more than this, but this was taken during a meaningful time and trip that I thought would be appropriate to be remembered on Pink Saturday’s birthday. I also share a 5-line poem, a tribute to all of my friends, where ever they are in this world.

On Friendship

no changing of season

nor distance and time

can wither it, if

we hold on, to

those moments

On Solitude

Language…has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.  ~ Paul Tillich.

For Haiku Heights:

when i seek solitude

i often see loneliness

behind the bushes, peeking


For 5-line poetry month:

when solitude finds me

i thought not of fighting back

surrendering in its caress

it protects me

from more rejections

Haiku Heights prompt #44 — Solitude

ABC Wednesday — prompt \”s\”

Thursday Poets Rally 44 (May 19 – May 25, 2011)

the color of silent scream

When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Credit to hallv5 @ DeviantArt, titled Silent Scream

this mouth wants to ramble, but

mind in a knot

tongue tied

words failed

just a silent scream

This post is part of:

Every Sunday

every sunday
i utter a solemn prayer
it is one
of forgiveness
and hope

every sunday
i take a note
of what i have
and express
my gratitude

♥  ♥

every sunday
i look forward
to enter Your house
and to always hear back
“you belong here”

♥  ♥  ♥

every sunday
i say to myself
it is a new week
a new beginning
an inch closer


a familiar taste
in my mouth
almost forgotten,
so linger longer,
will you?


you taste
like rice candy
from my childhood
the first day I learned
to feel giddy


sun is out
air is fresh
legs are ready
let’s beat this path
shall we?


I wrote these poems above during the train ride this morning to the Autism Walk (Chicago Chapter), which I participated this morning and just finished. It was a 3-mile walk, but if I count the walk from the train station to Soldier Field and back, I think I walked about 6 miles. Now I’m left feeling exhausted to say the least, but I’m glad I did it.

About Gogyohka or 5-line poetry

Some of you have probably noticed that lately I’ve been posting short poems, consisting of only 5 lines.  There are more than one type of 5-line poetry, but the one that I am referring to specifically is called gogyohka.  It originated from Japan, invented by Enta Kusakabe from Japan.  I am new in gogyohka, so for more information about Gogyohka, I am referring you to the website below and when I find more information in the future, I will also add them to this post.


I recently joined a poetry challenge, which is to produce at least one of these 5-line poems on a daily basis throughout the month of May.  I have enjoyed this challenged immensely that I plan to continue writing gogyohka poems even after May.  Often I found it difficult actually to write short poems, to crunch what’s in my mind into 5 short, concise, succinct lines.  However, that is why I became so intrigued with gogyohka for exactly the same reason: the fresh, succinct messages expressed in almost “one breath” while still invoking a feeling from my readers.  I have read some beautiful gogyohka poems that left me feeling surprised, sad, happy, or even giddy afterward.

If any of you is interested to know more about gogyohka or participate, please let me know.  I also refer you to Gogyohka Junction, which is an online gogyohka community where you can get further information and support from other poets and gogyohka experts, as well as in getting your feet wet in gogyohka if you’re a novice like me.  I found it to be a very supportive community.

You can also click on the pink flower symbol on the right side bar of my blog that will take you to another blog which has links to more gogyohka blogs.  Hope you can join me and introduce yourself to this exciting challenge.  Don’t mind the fact that May is almost over because gogyohka will stay here for long, beyond May.

just another day in the park

*** Inspirations for these poems below came to me during another time spent at the usual hiding place today.  All I did was to observe my surroundings and then combine what I saw with how I felt.  For newbies to my blog, I need to refer you to another post (jalan-jalan-sore-continues) to become familiar with the place I am referring to as my hiding place, my escape, my refuge. ***

dogs, ducks,
children, cyclists
not easy

to stay on the track
amidst intrusions


hey you
little wings
on the tree
just wondering
if you are real


the sun
touching my skin
sent me
to a special place
far far away


your whispers
came to me
unexpectedly fresh
like rain
in the desert

On Question

"Questions are a burden to others; answers are a prison for oneself." 
~Patrick McGoohan

an action, to announce doubt
a wonder, to cultivate an idea
a motivation, to start a change
a simple desire, to yearn for
an alternate truth

≈ ≈ ≈

in the end
questions no longer matter
everyone speaks
the same language

♥ ♥ ♥

"We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not 
finding it than we do from learning the answer itself." 
~Lloyd Alexander

** Photo credit goes to lzobalax @ DeviantArt, titled Question **